PHN Announcements

Announcements for 9/26/2023

The homecoming dance is on Saturday October 7 from 7-10pm.  If you are planning to bring a guest who does not attend Northern to the dance, you must have a guest pass turned in to the main office by Wednesday October 4.  These passes are available in the main office.

Hello students and staff! It's officially crafting season! PHN's Stitchers Unite club will be starting up this Friday in room 311. Come join us for an informational welcome meeting. We will be doing a meet and greet and enjoying snacks. The club provides all materials but feel free to bring your own yarn or other supplies. All skill levels are welcome! If you want to learn to crochet, knit, cross-stitch, or embroider, this is the place for you! Again, the first informational Stitchers Unite meeting will be in Mrs. Nisbett's room (311) this Friday after school from 2:30 until 3:30!

There will be a Garden Club meeting in room 507 B (Mrs. Jamison's room in the chem lab area) after school today, Tuesday, Sept 26. Please come and bring a friend.

Wednesday morning at 7am students across the country will be meeting at the flagpole of their schools to pray for their school and community.  This event is called See You at the Pole and we encourage Northern students to join us at the flagpole in front of the school at 7am.

Next week is homecoming week.  The spirit days are:  Monday Oct 2 - night in vs. night out  - Tuesday Oct 3 - Decades Day - seniors are 50s, juniors are 80s, sophomores are 60s, freshmen have not chosen - Wednesday Oct 4 - country vs. country club - Thursday Oct 5 - tropical/beach day - Friday Oct 6 - blue and gold day

The Northern Boys Varsity Soccer team defeated Clawson last night 6-1.  Dimitri Kasparian led the scoring with three goals and an assist.  Vincent Montgomery had two goals, Kyle Cooper had one goal and one assist, and Ivan Hallmesh, Carter Dietrich, and Matiaus Everhart had assists.  The Huskies return to action tomorrow at home against Cousino at 6:00 pm.