Announcements for 2/6/2024
Keewahdin Elementary is looking for volunteer counselors for their 5th grade camping trip at the end of May. Any Northern student is welcome to be a counselor. The trip is later in the year than it has previously been: from Thursday, May 30th - Saturday, June 1st.
If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up with Mrs. Houle in room 315. An information meeting will come later in the month, so please sign up so we can include you.
There will be a Strive for a Safer Drive Meeting on Friday, Feb 9 at 7:10 am in room 305 (Mrs. Gibson's room). New and current members are welcome!
Attention any girls interested in playing girls soccer this spring: There will be girls soccer information in Mr. Becker's room, 320, during all three lunches on today. See Mr. Becker if you have any questions about girls soccer.
Women's Wellness thru weightlifting will be meeting this Wednesday from 2:45-3:30 in the weight room.
This Wednesday during lunches, join us for FAFSA Family Feud with our host, FAFSA Steve Harvey. Seniors, email Ms. Savedra if you'd like to compete. The winning team will receive school store gift cards!
Interested in playing golf for the PHN Boys Golf Team? Please stop by Coach Whymer’s room, 203, by Thursday of this week for try-out information.